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JULY 4 - SEPTEMBER 8, 2024

( Updated 7/26/2024 )

SFMT History  -  SFMT Awards

The Mime Troupe is an ensemble theater, the artistic director is the Collective.


FEATURED FROM KQED : Peter Coyote, actor and a major player in the counterculture of the 1960s, talks about his experiences as a member of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, the power of comedy, and the legacy of the 1960s.

American Dreams Poster

Poster by : Pablo Mica


“The play, in its skewering of America’s social ills—racism, corporate greed, the plight of the working class—is so funny, and so well acted by the Troupe, including longtime ensemble members Velina Brown, Keiko Shimosato-Carreiro and Brian Rivera , that it comes to life even without visuals and minus the appreciative laughter of a sun-soaked audience. The second half of “The Mystery of the Missing Worker” airs Aug. 29.”

SF Examiner - July 6, 2020


“As a spoof of serials past, it’s solid, quick-witted, and sets the bar high for subsequent episodes, which will satirize other radio-drama templates—namely adventure, horror, and science fiction."

KQED - July 8, 2020


"I'm pleased to report that Walls bigly and beautifully builds on the troupe's 58-year-tradition of 'fighting oppression, one play at a time'..."
sfist - July 3, 2017

"'Walls,' takes aim at immigration crackdowns...director Edris Cooper-Anifowoshe gives the play a brisk staging...lyrics by Piero Amadeo Infante and music by Michael Bello, the songs are more dynamic...Carlos Aceves' evocative set..." - August 16, 2017

"The San Francisco Mime Troupe does not just put on a show. They awaken their audiences to current situation of concern and make calls for action. The musical''s title may refer to the changes some of the characters undergo. The title could also be a declaration of what school life becomes under Babbit''s plan.

... the real intent is that we, the audience, walk away "schooled." This is not the normal happy ending we expect from musicals. The ending can be seen as a warning that the most unlikely outcome can in fact occur if we, the audience, don''t get off our butts and do something to make sure that does not happen."
Talkin' Broadway - July 2016

"The show is high--energy and often hilarious while also serving as a sobering depiction of how entire segments of the population can be automatically seen as a threat because of the color of their skin in this supposedly "post-racial" society."
Marin IJ - July 8, 2015

"Once again, the San Francisco Mime Troupe has produced an action-initiating play that deserves to be seen far and wide this very summer."
Talkin' Broadway - July 2015

"MIME TROUPE NAILS IT!... a rousing success that perfectly captured the city's current zeitgeist and growing pains... Brava!"
SF Bay Guardian - July 9, 2014 - July 15, 2014

"(Posibilidad, or Death of the Worker) ... is a brilliant work, combining tragedy and humor to make a very pointed argument for thinking outside the box on the state of Labor and jobs today."
Huffington Post - September 6, 2010

"'Posibilidad' was incredibly funny ... and just as willing to skewer the left ... as it is to question the assumptions about the economic basis of modern life."
Stark Insider - August 8, 2010

"The play's ambition is as impressive as its range"
SF Chronicle - July 6, 2010

"The Troupe's penchant for relentlessly and artistically questioning the status quo draws North Bay audiences year after year."
North Bay Bohemian - July 7, 2010

"(The Mime Troupe's) free summer shows in the park . . still come geared to immediate concerns and evince a commitment to advancing a populist mission of of social change. Generally speaking, and to this end, they are also slickly performed and very funny."

American Theatre - September 2009

"Anyone concerned about the state of global politics - and about the state of political humor -should listen to the Mime Troupe's message."
The New York Times - November 27, 1982

"“Red State” is ideal election year fare — sharp and funny, with just enough bite."
SF Examiner - July 7, 2008


"The San Francisco Mime Troupe is the conscience of the city, out proudest export, and -as it celebrates its 50th year- perhaps our most enduring sociopolitical institution"

SF Bay Guardian/Best of the Bay, (2009)


"Pointed and Funny"

San Francisco Examiner - July 7, 2010


"... a lot of fun ... the audience has a great time"

Marin Independent Journal - July 7, 2010


"Energized by the resurgent right...the inexhaustible purveyors of agit-prop musical comedy have responded with their sharpest, funniest and most exhilarating show in years."
The San Francisco Chronicle - (2001, 1600 Transylvania Avenue)

"'Eating It' is nutritious entertainment -- timely, funny, provocative, sharply staged and beautifully performed. It just goes to show the continual wonders of splicing hot political issues with the unique skills of the San Francisco Mime Troupe."
San Francisco Examiner - (2000, Eating It)

"Politics is not the only reason to see the Mime Troupe. Those who enjoy theater, farce, Monty Python, musical comedy or even urban politics will enjoy the show."
News-Leader, Florida - (2000, City for Sale)

"Mime Troupe puts on its best show in years...the Mime Troupe has come up with some canny and mordant takes on San Francisco's gleaming gentrification."
The San Francisco Chronicle - (1999, City for Sale)


"When you hear people say theater is dying -- tell them about the San Francisco Mime Troupe."

The Ohio Plain Dealer


"What makes political theater work? Passion, anger and humor"

Albuquerque Journal


"...have the famed company declared California's official state theater. Who else?"

San Diego Union


"The San Francisco Mime Troupe is America's oldest and finest street theater... more professional than most of our presumably professional companies."

The New York Post


"You're never only watching a political theater piece, but rather a double barreled re-invention of politics and theater at once."

The Boston Globe


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