San Francisco Mime Troupe was on the barricades in the 1960s, part of a coalition of regular citizens who came together to oppose racism, sexism, war, and corporate greed. Today we are witnessing the erosion of many of the victories won by that movement, but the never-silent San Francisco Mime Troupe has always believed in the power of the people united. We are opening our doors and inviting our community in to help us best utilize art's power to envision and demand a better future.

Collaborate with non-arts partners, and discover CREATIVE new ways to address community needs together.
Get ACTIVE in local equity initiatives and partner with local activist groups and with other socially engaged artists.
Become more INFORMED about social and political issues, explore new ideas, and pose difficult questions through meaningful community dialogue and education opportunities.
Bring attention to local and national issues by getting INVOLVED in direct action.
CONNECT individuals through the different forms of oppression that they are experiencing, and help them identify next steps in their pursuit of civic engagement, collective action, and social change.