On March 18th, 2012 we launched a brand new fund raising plan - the SF Mime Troupe Allies and Comrades Donor Circles. Please read about these two Circles and view a promotional video about the troupe below.
Our goal is for these Circles to provide the Mime Troupe with a stable base of operating revenue, above and beyond our Summer and Winter Appeals, so YOU can be sure that every year we will continue to be there, working with young adults and performing in a park near you.
View the growing list of Comrade & Ally Circle Donors!
Now, we want to be totally honest with our Comrades and Allies. Some people were a bit shocked to see that we were planning to include pledge levels of $1000, $5000, and $10,000. They warned us that people would be turned off and feel excluded if they saw such numbers. But we trust our supporters would want to know what it takes to do our work. When you think about what we do - in all kinds of weather, for long hours, loading and unloading a truck, performing a high energy show all over California, working with High School students, helping their voices be heard - $10,000 really isn't an unreasonable amount. And whatever portion of $10,000 you are able to invest in our work, combined with others, makes our work possible.
We also know that to really step forward and support us on a meaningful level just might hurt a tiny bit. We're not asking you to skip meals or endanger your rent or mortgage. But we are asking you to think carefully about what matters most to you and possibly reallocate your resources in a way that includes helping to keep the Mime Troupe alive and well for "Another 65 Years!"
Prices listed on the brick wall are based on costs from 2019 - everything has gone up significantly since then.
become a
Monthly Donor!
join the
Allies circle
become an
annual donor!
join the
comrades circle!

As you can see in the picture above the many costs of a single summer season is spread out across many different costs. So when making a monthly or annual donation please keep those numbers in mind!
Some of you may be part of a company or foundation or just be in a position to consider giving more. Your investment of $10,000 each year for 5 years would support one Mime Trouper for an entire Summer Season for each of those years!!!!!