the plays of the san francisco mime troupe

Above is a KTVU interview with Michael Gene Sullivan about the release of this script anthology

The never silent, hilariously thought-provoking,Tony and OBIE award-winning San Francisco Mime Troupe, in celebration of our 60 years of revolutionary theatre has put together an anthology of our scripts from 2000 - 2016.
From the War on Terror to the War on Drugs, from genetically modified foods to financially modified democracy, from corporate personhood to Occupy to Trump - the Troupe has dealt with the issues of the day with our particular brand of outrageous, hard-hitting political musical comedies, tragedies, farces, and melodramas.
Speaking truth to power, giving voice to the voiceless, comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable, this collection of scripts is being provided - including introductions to the plays, photos, fan quotes, and artists biographies - at a price every fan, supporter, student, historian, and comrade of the Troupe can afford... FREE!